property write for us



Greetings and appreciation for your interest in adding to our real estate blog!

As of right now, submissions that adhere to our guest post rules are welcome.

Posts by guests

Writing guest posts is a fantastic method to promote your work and advance your writing job. But not every guest post is made equally.

We only share guest posts that really benefit our readers and that we ourselves think are worthwhile!


Being a real estate website, we concentrate on topics related to real estate, ideally for the benefit of buyers and sellers. Here are a few examples of appropriate subjects:

  • Answers to Frequently Asked Questions on Real Estate
  • How-Tos & Buying Tips
  • Selling Suggestions
  • Trends in the Local Real Estate Market in Greater Vancouver Industry News/Breaking News Tricks & Strategies
  • Listicles Any Additional Content & Articles About Real Estate ARE YOU HATING TIME SELECTING A TOPIC?
  • Please reach us at if you would like to write for our website but are unsure of what to write about.
  • We can give you a list of the things we would like written about

Guidelines for our special posts:

If you want your work to be accepted and published, you have to abide by certain rules. Before sending us any information, please make sure you have read all of our guidelines.


  • Must Be Totally Original, with No Similar Articles Found Online (You won’t be allowed to submit to us again if we find plagiarism or duplicate content in your work.) Nothing has been recycled or changed!
  • A link to Google Docs is needed.
  • flawless English (Too many errors in grammar, sentence structure, or language will lead to an instant rejection.)
  • Employ heads (tags H1, H2, and H3) more than 1500 words
  • The featured picture measures 1200 by 628 pixels. The picture needs to be bespoke or licenced.
  • Along with the piece, include the author’s name, biography, and headshot.
  • Include at least three links to trusted sources that back up your post.
  • Within the body of the article, one do-follow link is allowed.
  • Choose a goal keyword for your work.
  • Give the sources for any media that is mentioned in the piece. (Pictures, flowcharts, etc.)
  • ADDITIONAL GUIDELINES: Include questions and answers under “People Also Ask” for the goal keyword.
  • Add custom tables, graphics, and/or infographics. (Stock photos need to be approved!)
  • We reserve the right to reject entries that do not adhere to these standards and to not contact you again.

** A quotation or comment from within the article is our preferred contextual link. As an illustration:

According to John Rebel, CEO of, “this year has been great for the real estate market; we’re seeing a massive amount of new home buyers.”

According to John Rebel, CEO of Toronto-based real estate company, “this year has been great for the real estate market; we’re seeing a massive amount of new home buyers.”

After your article is accepted, what should you expect?

  • After that, your piece is put in our publication queue, which may take up to ten business days to finish.
  • We will send you a confirmation email, sending you the URL and the date when your guest post is live.
  • We invite you to spread the article throughout your platforms, including social media posts and guest posts in the future.


Though we might reply to your submission right away, you should wait for an answer for 5–10 business days before assuming that your submission hasn’t been accepted.

We will get in touch with you right away to tell you that your work has been added to the publishing queue if we decide to accept it.

Depending on how many contributions are received, the article may take a different amount of time to publish, but no more than 10 working days.

Please contact to inquire about the status of your work if, after 10 business days, you have not received any word regarding the publication of your piece.


Send questions and information to


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