write for us home improvement


write for us home improvement

Renovation and Design for the Home Submission for Guest Posts

Are you an expert in marketing, business, or design with a tale to share? We would love to hear it!

Writing interior design guest posts and outreach marketing are excellent places to start if you’re searching for ways to widen your audience and boost views of your website and content while establishing connections and drawing on the authority and audiences of other individuals.

We are seeking guest pieces that provide our readers with a deeper perspective on a variety of topics and offer views that are different from our own. Please read the following rules and requirements if you would like to contribute as a guest blogger on interior design blogs. Please do not hesitate to contact us with any more questions.

Rules for Guest Posts

  • Length: at least 800 words
  • Topics for Guest Posts: Architecture, designer furniture, interior design, home decor, luxury vacations, and swimming pools.
  • Writing paragraphs: Clearly separate your writing into paragraphs. It gives our readers a clearer view of your work.
  • Do-follow: links are allowed; a post may contain up to two of them.
  • Media: You are able to put pictures in your story. Kindly get in touch with us for further directions if you wish to incorporate other kinds of media. Please confirm that you are not licencing your files for commercial usage.

Publishing Guidelines

Communicate openly and honestly about your name and employer.  We think that readers should be able to determine how you relate to the subjects you write about.

  • Be original: We must be satisfied that the content you send for publication on MyFancyHouse.com is original to you.  This is done for copyright and marketing reasons, but our main goal is to give readers the chance to read original, high-quality content.
  • Be pertinent: Since our audience is interested in reading about home décor and remodelling, that is what we should write about. We will accept guest contributions from home improvement blogs.
  • Before submitting articles: proofread your work for errors in language and spelling. Only information written properly and in clear English will be released on our site. Low-quality material will not be tolerated.
  • Build SEO and Blog Authority by Including Internal Links: This is not just a kind gesture, but it also helps SEO. It shows that you went above and beyond to ensure the reader would find value in the post.

Share your story on all of your social media platforms, including Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus, Pinterest, Tumblr, and others, to help it get noticed.

What kinds of posts will be quickly rejected?

  • excessively promotional posts
  • Anything previously discussed on our blog that looks to be part of a clear link-building strategy
  • Anything that is meant to be promotional posts that are factually incorrect or insulting postings that disparage other people or groups
  • Casinos, dating, adult material, hazards,

The final rule is as follows: “Our readers should be moved to stop what they’re doing and exclaim, ‘Wow, this is smart and cool.'”This post must be shared!” To put it simply, you want to inspire others with your material!

Prior to writing the article “Ask Yourself,”

  • Is this the best the post can get on this subject?
  • How is this helpful to readers?
  • If I put this on my own site, would I be content?
  • Do my posts make sense for the readers of the blog I’m writing for?
  • Has your reader gotten any new insight?
  • Has the reader gotten fresh motivation?

The text, photos, and/or links in any contribution are subject to our approval, and we reserve the right to make changes at any time—both before and after the post goes live. We reserve the right not to post items that need excessive editing.

You must contact us and show your interest in the topic if you accept these terms.


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