Write For Us On Real Estate, Home Decor,Interior Design and Home Improvement


If you want to write about Real Estate, Home Decor, Buying or Selling a Home, Property Investment, Interior Design, Home Projects, or Home Improvement, we would love to print your piece. We want to show off your ability to the right people. A lot of great writers have done well enough to show off their skills on our website. Find out how to join them by reading on.

We will be delighted if you donate content to Home Décor Max, it is possible to drop a mail at


Instructions for Sending Content

So how do you write a great piece about anything that has to do with real estate, home decor, buying or selling a home, property investment, interior design, home projects, or home improvement? When you write, you should remember the following:

  • We only put out information about real estate. The writing should be original and haven’t been used anywhere else.
  • The lower word limit for the piece is 800 words. The piece should be at least 2500 words long. The top limit is 4000 words.
  • Choose a topic that is global in nature and has a mass audience. Substantiating your view with data and examples would definitely be advantageous. Use keywords, headings, and subheadings to make the piece SEO-friendly.
  • You may Include links to other pieces and your site in the write-up. They should appear to be a natural part of the piece rather than forced.
  • Spammy or low-quality links will not be accepted.
  • Our users can rate the released articles/posts for quality on our website. Therefore ensure that the content you send is of good quality.
  • Please make sure that the submitted content has the right grammar and correct spelling.
  • Include your link URLs in the text.
  • The submitted piece can be rejected without assigning any reasons. Published pieces can also be similarly removed.
  • After submitting the article it would become our property and we would be free to edit it to fit our reader’s tastes.
  • We will make a choice on publishing your content within24 hours from the date of submission.
  • Submit your work in pdf, docx(MS Word) or odt(LibreOffice Writer) file format only. Attach the high-resolution picture files separately.
  • Include images(jpeg format) in your piece. The suggested resolution is 1200(w) x 675(h) pixels. The pictures should be unique and free to use without any copyrights.
  • Check your Inbox and Spam area for messages as sometimes emails get marked as spam.
  • The articles are published free of charge provided they meet the content rules
  • No paid tags are used.
  • The turn around time(TAT) is 24 Hrs.

You would be provided with a contributor account where you can send the draft. Our editor will review the entry and post it on the website.

We Accept Real Estate Guest Posts

Guest blogging is an excellent chance for link building, generating high-quality backlinks, and contributing valuable material to the real estate community.

It allows you to reach a bigger audience, drive targeted search queries to your site, and establish yourself as an expert within the real estate industry. We look forward to your contributions and the new views you’ll bring to our blog.

The benefits of guest posting with us include:

  • Enhancing your online awareness
  • Showcasing your knowledge and authority
  • Building professional connections with other real estate professionals
  • Reaching a bigger audience
  • Contributing to the valuable content in the real estate business

We look forward to your comments and are excited to see how your insights will enrich our real estate blogs. Let’s cooperate to make the world of real estate even more vibrant and informative.