home decor write for us


Greetings from A House in the Hills!

That you would want to write for our blog makes us very happy. We think that everyone has a special perspective to give, regardless of their level of writing experience. We warmly invite you to join our community and share in our endeavour to build a website that honours mindfulness, creativity, and well-being.

Our goal at A House in the Hills is to provide our readers with useful and inspirational writings. Our blog discusses a variety of topics, such as travelogues, healthy cooking, home décor, and self-care advice. Our goal is to establish an inspiring and upbeat environment where people may meet like-minded individuals, learn new information, and find inspiration.

Why create for us?

You can reach a large and interested audience by making a contribution to A House in the Hills. People who are enthusiastic about making a lovely and meaningful life make up our readership. They want to learn new things, gain fresh perspectives, and make good changes in their daily lives.

You can encourage and inspire others by sharing your unique viewpoint. We think that every person has a story worth sharing and that your words can change the world. We would love to speak with you if you have a flair for finding hidden treasures when travelling, a specific aptitude for interior design, or a passion for healthy living!

Rules for Entries

We have made some guidelines to help you in crafting your submissions so that both our writers and readers have a seamless experience:

Unique content:

that hasn’t been written anywhere else is valued. Sharing your knowledge, insights, and firsthand experiences is greatly encouraged.

Article length:

Guidelines usually suggest a word count of 800–1500. But, since we prefer quality over quantity, concentrate on giving insightful information rather than writing a certain number of words.


To make your pieces easier to read and scan, please use bullet points, subheadings, and short paragraphs. This improves the effectiveness of our readers’ information absorption.


We want our blog to have a conversational, approachable, and welcome feel. Steer clear of technical terminology and jargon, and talk plainly. To make your work interesting and fun, don’t be afraid to add a little of yourself to it.

Supporting Information:

Whenever you can, use excellent photos with your work. Adding pictures to your material makes it easier to read and more engaging. Make sure you own the rights to any photos you upload.


Carefully review your work before sending it to make sure there are no typos or grammatical issues. We value content that has been well reviewed and doesn’t need any more work.


  • Please include the right citations and references for any data, quotes, or information taken from other sources that you use. Plagiarism is not allowed at all.
  • Method of Submission: Within two weeks, our editorial team will analyse your submission and get back to you. We might make some formatting and clarity changes to your story if it gets published. If there are any changes made before your post becomes live, you will be told.
  • Please be aware that not every inquiry will be answered due to the large number of entries. You may, however, be confident that we give each suggestion we receive serious consideration.
  • Your tales, ideas, and thoughts will be fascinating to read! Come help us build a lively community at A House in the Hills and urge people to lead fulfilling lives.
  • We value you thinking of us as a voice platform.


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