sustainable living write for us


Want to write a piece for us?

Both amateur and professional writers are welcome to send guest posts to Neutrino Burst in order to share insightful information with our audience.

Nevertheless, the quantity of guest pieces that are poorly researched, poorly written, and offer our readers nothing is growing. Additionally, we are getting a lot of improper pitches, which indicates that the writer did not review our blog’s previous posts or read our standards.

We have updated our guest post submission standards and ask that you review the prerequisites before sharing your work in an effort to deter such pointless attempts.

If you follow our standards, there won’t be any hassle, and your post will be published as soon as possible (based on our backlog)!

Write about the following subjects for us:

  • Green and healthy living living sustainably
  • Energy-conserving innovations
  • Combating the climate disaster and preserving the earth Environmental problems on Earth Self-improvement, sharing joy, and mindfulness
  • Tips for changing your home and enhancing your lifestyle
  • Global populace, civilization, and cultural customs
  • Environmentally friendly digital tools and digital well-being
  • Travel advice and first-hand stories

Requirements for article submission:

  • The material needs to be 100% original, relevant, and current.
  • The piece should be at least 1200 words long, not counting the title or subheadings.
  • The writing should be easy to read, engaging, and participatory.
  • It is needed to have at least one featured image. The picture or images should be at least 1920 pixels wide and royalty-free.
  • Each and every image’s source link must be included.
  • Kindly supply the appropriate reference link or links for any assertions or statistical information made in the article.
  • An optional professional author bio is allowed at the conclusion of the piece.
  • In the author’s bio area, there can only be one link.
  • Direct sales pitches and backlinks leading to the promotional product page are prohibited. If it is relevant, you may, however, link to your homepage from the author profile or from inside the text.
  • User intent always wins out over material that is too keyword-optimized.

Guidelines for information formatting:

  • For the post title, underline every word.
  • For subheadings, use the “sentence case” style.
  • Make sure that there is appropriate space between paragraphs and sections.
  • There should be a fitting opening and conclusion to the piece.
  • At the conclusion of the paper, enumerate all of the picture sources and reference links.


House and Land Packages

Cash Purchasers for Real Estate

Leading Professionals in Kitchen Remodelling

Home Security and Convenience

Siding Replacement